Deciphering the Mullick Ghat Flower Market Murder Mystery

Every investigation demands meticulous precision and diligence. Irrespective of the severity of the crime, the Kolkata Police Department operates with dynamic teamwork.
Consider the case of State vs Tara Chand Sonkar, also known as Raja Sonkar. The incident dates back to the afternoon of October 3, 2014, during the Nabami celebration of Durga Puja, when a gruesome incident unfolded near Mullick Ghat Flower Market, turning it into a blood-stained crime scene which resulted in the loss of life.
Lakhi Mukherjee, or Phuli, as she is affectionately known in the Mullick Ghat Flower Market, was resting with her granddaughter, Neha, in their home on Stand Bank Road near Howrah Bridge. A man named as Raja Sonkar, allegedly involved in a romantic liaison with Phuli, entered her home and had a verbal abusive confrontation with her. The neighbourhood knows Phuli for her Bahubali image or strong demeanour. Raja, visibly upset with reasons known only to him, attacked Phuli with a hasua or sickle from the corner of the room. Phuli narrowly avoided a fatal blow from the sickle wielded by Raja Sonkar. However, Neha and Phuli’s cries alerted others. This prompted Raja Sonkar to flee. Meanwhile, Bijoy, an orphan boy, was asleep on a camp cot downstairs, positioned on the verandah’s southern side adjacent to the building. As he was rushing out from the house, Raja Sonkar dealt a fatal blow to Bijoy’s throat with the sickle. He immediately fled towards the Howrah Bridge after the vile attack.
Following the incident, the victims – Bijoy and Phuli – were taken to the Medical College, where Phuli survived after treatment, while Bijoy was declared brought dead by the attending doctors.
The ensuing investigation, referenced as North Port Case No. 92 dated October 3rd, 2014, U/S 302/307 IPC, was spearheaded by the Homicide Squad of the Detective Department, Kolkata Police.
On November 17th, 2014, Raja Sonkar was apprehended from BK Pal Avenue and Rabindra Sarani Crossing. Subsequently, on November 27, 2014, blood-stained clothing linked to the crime was recovered based on his confession.
Further investigation revealed an illicit relationship between Raja Sonkar and Phuli. Raja Sonkar suspected that Phuli also had a relationship with the victim Bijoy.
A charge sheet was filed against Raja Sonkar on February 4, 2014, US 302/307 IPC well within the stipulated period, with Sub Inspector Sandip Pramanick as the Investigating Officer (IO) of the case.
The trial proceeded at the court of the Ld 2nd FTC, Bichar Bhawan, Kolkata, with Raja Sonkar in custody. Over the course of the trial, 22 prosecution witnesses were examined. On December 4, 2023, the court adjudged Raja Sonkar guilty under Sections 302/324 IPC.
On December 5, 2023, Raja Sonkar received rigorous life imprisonment and a fine of Rs 10,000, i/d six months imprisonment U/S 302 IPC, and RI for one year U/S 324 IPC. These sentences are to run concurrently, as pronounced by Shri Anindya Banerjee at the Ld 2nd FTC, Bichar Bhawan, Kolkata. l
Details provided by:
Homicide Squad, Detective Department, Kolkata Police.

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