
A Bridge of Possibilities

This is the story of a fabled bridge, constituting not just steel and concrete, but enormous possibilities. Seven years since its foundation stone was laid, India’s longest-ever sea bridge, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) is finally open to the public, significantly reducing travel time, enhancing accessibility, and contributing to the region’s overall infrastructure development,…

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Transport commissioner Vivek L Bhimanwar: Dedicated to Improving safety and Implementing Thorough Safeguards on Maharashtra’s Roads

Maharashtra State Motor Vehicles Department has 15 Regional Transport Offices and 35 Deputy Regional Transport Offices. The goal of the Department is to ensure the safe transportation of goods and passengers while providing prompt and citizen-friendly services relating to motor vehicles. With a massive load of vehicles plying on the roads across the State, the…

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A well-knit transport infrastructure, supported by conducive environment, facilitated by supportive policies, stand as the backbone of a flourishing economy. Maharashtra has been successful in establishing such an environment, evidenced by Maharashtra being at the forefront in State GDP and other progressive indicators like per capita income which has doubled since 2012. This translates that…

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India has world’s second largest road network. Road transportation is a critical component that fuel a country’s economy. I am glad to say that we are at that juncture where we have the ability and resources to build and deliver an efficient, sustainable, and safe infrastructure.The Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is committed…

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How to Confront Gender-Based Violence in a Warming World

The correlation between rising temperatures and escalating gender-based violence is having a major impact on women and girls worldwide. The effects of heat stress on social dynamics and individual behavior underscore the urgent need for integrated climate and gender-based violence policy interventions.Extreme heat fuels violence in ways that are just beginning to be understood. Rising…

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Strengthening Early Warning Systems Across Central Asia: A Blueprint for Resilience

In an era where climate change exacerbates the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, the importance of robust Early Warning Systems (EWS) cannot be overstated. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Istanbul Regional Hub, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, recently conducted…

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