A well-knit transport infrastructure, supported by conducive environment, facilitated by supportive policies, stand as the backbone of a flourishing economy. Maharashtra has been successful in establishing such an environment, evidenced by Maharashtra being at the forefront in State GDP and other progressive indicators like per capita income which has doubled since 2012. This translates that faster and comfortable travels are much more affordable today than ever before. This resonates with the technological advancements in the recent years across the World. The technological adoption in India has rather been much quicker than any comparable developing country, and this has resulted in unique benefits and its own challenges. One of the key challenges being the safety of all road users on our roads, while keeping up with the advancements.
Maharashtra has a road network of over 6.5 lakh km, about 3.5 crore vehicles added to the State’s vehicle fleet each year and hosts a population of about 12.5 crore people. Despite its economic growth, the State loses approximately 15,000 people each year, which is about 1% of total road traffic fatalities worldwide. The vast road network, vehicle and people necessitate a multi-sectoral technology augmented approaches to address the concerns from root level. The State has taken cognizance of this concern and each involved Department has acted in this regard.
For the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Department, road safety is a key priority area. The Department was the first to induct a fleet of LIDAR Speed Gun fitted interceptors that helped in making all traffic violation challans online, thus improving transparency. The Department established “Counselling Centers”, a comfortable, well-equipped roadside cabin used to counsel the traffic offenders, rather penalizing monetarily. The Department is actively driving to install technology enabled traffic management and enforcement system on key National highways in the State. All this, and with support and efforts from other Departments, the State has been able to save about 500 people (9%) in the four months of 2023, compared to 2022.
I convey my congratulation and best wishes to the New Media Communications team that compiled this useful magazine, “Maharashtra MILESTONE 8th edition”. This is an appreciable effort, and this shall be useful to researchers, public and policy makers alike. I wish the team the very best and look forward to more impact-driven initiatives in the times to come.
(Vivek Bhimanwar) IAS
Transport Commissioner
Maharashtra State, Mumbai.