Towards building a resilient community.

NEW MEDIA believes in Corporate Social Responsibility and beyond to serve the society and work towards a better and safer tomorrow. With this objective in mind we launched the Global Forum for Disaster Reduction (GFDR- Global Vision & Local Action) in 2005, which is the member of National Corporate Task Force of National Disaster Management Authority under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister. Over the last few years, we have held three International Conferences on Disaster Management and Business Continuity,in which organizations such as World Bank, UNISDR,WTU, IBM, Wipro, JCB, Government of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkand and NDMA were participants, to a name a few. New Media is also deeply committed to the idea of good governance. We bring out community magazines that serve as a platform for interactions between public and state actors like Administrators and The Police. As part of our social initiatives, we also organize seminars and workshops as Platforms for Public-Private Partnership [P4PPP]. A few key subjects we have addressed in these platforms are:

  • Disaster Management (in association with the World Bank, UNISDR and other global apex organizations).
  • Food Safety and Security, and Solid Waste management, including Municipal SWM (Solid Waste Management) in over 12 cities in India.